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Parks & Recreation 09.09.09 Minutes
                                                                                                                                                                                      _________________________                               Massachusetts
Parks & Recreation
Parks and Recreation Workshop Minutes of September 9, 2009

Committee Members: Sergio Coviello (SC), Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM)
Staff: Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT), Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: Mike Prisco (MP), Lauren McMullen (LM), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)

Location: Town Hall, Room 5

7:08pm No Quorum, workshop meeting called to order by Rita Mullin (RM)

Audience of Citizens: None

Acceptance of minutes

New Business
Financial Updates-(MS)
Table until next meeting

Field Hockey-(LC, MS)
Kathy Lally has taken over the NR Youth Field Hockey League.  P&R have extended their help to her.
Kathy is doing a great job and keeps P&R informed.

Liaison Listing- (SS)
Table until next meeting

Recreation Updates-(LC)
Summer Programs-Summer went smooth got great feedback from participants and parents. NRMS worked out wonderfully.

Fall Brochure-Brochure went to the printer on 9/9/09.  It will be in 9/17/09 transcript and registration will open up on that date. We will be moving completely out of the BOC and using RC@IRP.  The classes will be a bit smaller in size but we are offering more classes.  We are offering more after school hours for programs and a lot more adult. There is more advertising in the Fall Brochure than in the spring.

New Employees- Hired 3 new employees, Samantha Miller, Stephanie Chinchillo and Karen Intravaia.
We have brought back Maria and Gina to teach some classes as well.

Maria- She is still teaching some classes but has been doing more programming and looking for newer types of classes to offer, also been doing more office work.

Apple Festival-Sheila will be setting up a booth at the Apple Festival to promote P&R

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Old Business
IRP Bathroom-bid updates (SC)
Mike O’Neill has all the plans done for the IRP septic. Sergio will pick them up. Maureen (MS) said that it is all set to be put out to bid.  Maureen will bring it to the TA for approval. Both SC and MS agree that the structure plans should go out to bid at the same time as the septic bid because it will take the structure 60 days to get delivered.  Sergio will bring the plans to Maureen tomorrow.  P&R is still hoping that the bathrooms will be installed by the end of the fall.

Friend of NR P&R 501 (C) (3) (LM)
Table until next meeting

Parks Director Updates-(MT)
KidSpot- Just waiting on a few more pieces of equipment to finish up project.  Will all be pressure washed tomorrow, took down broken walls and landscaped nicely.  Sign will be replicated w/ added wording.  Project is coming in under budget.

Lights at the Middle School- The lights are working out great.  We have 3 units and Football rented two more light units.  Cost of diesel is 8 hours to go thru a full tank and they are only running the units about 1 ½ hours a day.
Rita asked Marty to get an electrician to do a quote on adding lights on the other side of the lights poles on the tennis courts to shine on the fields.  Would it be more cost effective?

Neptune Update-Marty has been repairing the Neptune cords for quite a number of years and finally they can not be repaired any more. The cost to replace on section at a time is anywhere forms $1500-$2000 per section.  The cost of a complete set would be $10913.  It is not worth replacing one section at a time because there are a lot of sections that need repairing or replacing.   So they have taken sown the web part and the metal part is still there.  They have placed closed signs but all have been taken down by the public and the kids are still climbing on the metal structure.  Sergio Coviello suggest putting up the orange mesh fencing closing off around the Neptune and closing off the entrance from the cross over from the wooden slide structure to the Neptune.  Marty agreed and will take care of. If we did order new webbing for the structure it will take 3-5 weeks for delivery.

NRLL-Marty asked Sergio to go to the NRLL field to check on the progress of NRLL completing the checklist for the new bathroom structure. P&R requested to NRLL to complete the checklist to button up the building before we would pursue $’s for the septic system. The members of P&R Committee agree that if Marty and Sergio say that the listing has been completed to satisfaction then they can give the ok to NRLL to move forward on the project.

Warrant Article-(MS)
There was no update on the warrant articles.

Other Business
Meeting Dates-(SS)
Table until next meeting

LUC Golf Tournament- (MS)
We have not received anyone signing up and Maria Brown will begin a calling campaign to past golfers. Sheila will being golf info to the Apple fest as well.

Update on Labor Day Soccer Tournament – (SC + MT)
Very busy at IRP and it seemed to go well.  Soccer Brought is sponsor venders this year. Marty updated the committee that Maguire field did great for the tournament but the field will be closed for the upcoming week to let it rest.

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Little School Tree/Shed- (MS)
Mike Prisco called Maureen to let her know and inform Marty that Softball is having an issue with a tree growing behind the shed at the little school because the roots are growing under the shed and will cause a problem as the tree grows.  NR Youth Softball wants to know if P&R will split the cost of a tree removal and put in $400 toward $673 expense.  Everyone must check with the schools first because the tree is on school property but Marty feels that everyone can save on the cost and we can remove the tree ourselves. Will check into and let the committee know a status.

Workshop meeting ended at 8:35pm